Select a box that keeps on giving:
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Jewish Book Box
Get the finest in Jewish and worldly literature in a monthly adventure-filled box. Get 2-3 books in each box.
from 34.99 USD / month
(+ tax)

Jewish Craft Box
Get a monthly curated craft box with high-quality seasonal projects. Choose from tots, tweens, or teens.
34.99 USD / month
(+ tax)

Jewish Bake Box
Let kids into the kitchen! They’ll whip up delicious treats with a taste-tested monthly baking box.
34.99 USD / month
(+ tax and shipping)
Meet your personalized box:
Fun for
every kid
What do your kids love? Pick between books, crafts, or baking–or pick them all :)
Our boxes are categorized by stage, so your kids get age-appropriate picks
Renewed excitement
every month
No long-term commitments mean you can cancel anytime